Friday, February 27, 2009

In the shadows of Marylin... (48th day)

The wind
of the darkness

Through the naked
of my soul.

The nightmare
and the Sun
wake up,
no more

In those days
when the Faith
isn't exist
in those days
like today,
when the hope
and just remains
the shadows,
the shadows...
of Marilyn.

The dream,
the reality,
the night
in a one minute

The tears
down my
and the dreams
in nightmare.

The reality...
still there.

Is possible
fallow dreams,
but you
will be alone,
is possible
fallow the Faith
but no one,
will believe
in you.

Is possible
fallow the hope
but she,
not fallow you.

That is
the drama,
the reality
that shows
the shadows...
of Marylin,
the beginning
an the end,
of the soul.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Welcome to my world!!

Bien, finalmente ya estoy aquí en la red!! en el gran mar de ideas, mundos y submundos!!! jejeje. Este pequeño rincón de la red pretende ser un granito de arena dentro del maravilloso mundo de la creatividad poética. Modestamente iré colgando mis trabajos aquí, donde tod@s podáis verlos, comentarlos y disfrutarlos!!! Sin mas espero que podáis seguir lo que escribo y disfrutarlo tanto como yo!!!
Buena lectura!!! ;)

So..finally! I'm ready to share with you my little world.... My idea is create a place where the people can read, comment or share my works. Most of them are in spanish but i will translate some or directly will be in english... so lets start!!

Hope you enjoy this site as much i do!! ;)
